Tourism Marketing

Tourism Marketing 04/Aug/2021 Mirna Khalil

Tourism Marketing

There are many e-tourism sites available on the Internet, whether they provide tourist trips or provide information about tourist places, but not all e-tourism sites are successful. Despite the presence of many tourist sites, there is something that distinguishes some sites and makes them successful. We will now present the most important factors that make a site Successful tourism

Factors for the success of a tourism website

There are many e-tourism sites available on the Internet, whether they provide tourist trips or provide information about tourist places, but not all e-tourism sites are successful. Despite the presence of many tourist sites, there is something that distinguishes some sites and makes them successful. We will now present the most important factors that make a site Successful tourism

It is distinguished from other existing sites, but we must know in the introduction that there are two types of tourism sites

A - A website for displaying tourist information only

B- Sites that sell tourist trips


Design is one of the factors for the success of any website. It should be designed in an attractive way, and it should be easy to use, simple, and not exaggerated, so that site users can browse easily and not be disturbed by the design. When clicking on a specific trip or information, a new window should open with another different trip. This makes Users get very upset and leave the website


- If the site offers reservations for trips to tourist places or tourist information, it must display good pictures of the place of the trip or information, and they must be realistic and real so that the user feels complete credibility.


The diversity of places for tourist trips. It is not possible to display one or two places for trips. The lack of multiple topics on the site leads to the user arriving with a feeling of boredom. Also, new trips or information must be presented every short period of time because new things are always available on the site.

- But if the site only displays information about tourist places, then this information must not be copied and taken from other sites. This does not make you distinct, but rather makes your site unsuccessful. The information must also be correct so that users can trust the site, and the image shown should be of the information or the topic in particular. In the place spoken of, not a picture of another place


If the site is about booking tourist trip offers, it is necessary to quickly respond to the customer and receive requests quickly so that the customer feels that he is in contact with the owner of the site. In order to be able to gain customers, the customer must not feel an obstacle or barrier between him and the company that owns the site, and for the service to be good, he must be committed to The website is in constant communication with the customer from the start of the trip viewing until the trip ends


The client’s requirements. You must know the requirements of each individual client and differentiate between the culture of each client. For example, if there is a German client, he cannot be booked into a hotel with an American system. This is not compatible with the German and will lead to the German client’s discomfort. In this way, you will lose your clients one by one.


With the diversity of trip locations and the diversity of hotels and tourist resorts, the customer must choose the hotel, place, and time that is appropriate for him with complete freedom. It is not right for the customer to feel restricted while choosing his favorite trip.


The website owner’s commitment to display information about each trip separately in terms of the places that the customer will visit, the hotel address, the tourist attractions at the location of the trip, the duration of the trip, real pictures of the places that will be visited, the costs of the trip, and it must be the real price of the trip, so it should not be said. A price, and then the customer finds out about other expenses. This makes you lose the credibility of the company’s website

If none of the previous information is mentioned, the visitor will most likely leave the website without booking, even if he is actually searching for flights with the motive of booking. If he is disturbed, you will lose him forever.


One of the most important factors that makes your site one of the most successful sites is electronic marketing. An electronic site does not make sense for you to do normal, traditional marketing for it because the site is on the Internet. A marketing campaign must be created on the Internet. It is very important to make an integrated marketing plan for the site in order for it to be successful and prepare the site for search engines. Like Google, Yahoo, and other search engines, we should seek help from a company specialized in electronic marketing and make sure that it is successful in its services so that you can be confident in the success of your tourist site. Follow us and you will find everything new.

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