Importance of marketing

Importance of marketing 04/Aug/2021 Mirna Khalil

Importance of marketing

Traditional marketing is the marketing of a product or service for a company or institution by sending its representative to the customer, or through advertisements on television, newspapers, radio, publications, and other means, all of which are expensive. Whereas electronic marketing via the Internet is the marketing of a service, commodity, or specific company through the Internet to reach Internet customers: Although electronic marketing is derived from traditional marketing, the advantages of electronic marketing via the Internet outweigh traditional marketing in more than one way.

E-marketing and traditional marketing

Traditional marketing is the marketing of a product or service for a company or institution by sending its representative to the customer, or through advertisements on television, newspapers, radio, publications, and other means, all of which are expensive. Whereas electronic marketing via the Internet is the marketing of a service, commodity, or specific company through the Internet to reach Internet customers: Although electronic marketing is derived from traditional marketing, the advantages of electronic marketing via the Internet outweigh traditional marketing in more than one way.

The difference between electronic marketing and traditional marketing

the cost

Traditional marketing: high cost

(As it requires the use of media such as (television - radio - newspapers and magazines - publications... etc.)

Electronic marketing: less expensive

Because it is done through the Internet, using free or paid advertisements, and its price is much lower than traditional means


Traditional marketing: difficulty communicating with customers

E-marketing: Ease of communicating with customers using e-mail and other means of Internet communication

Demand for the product

Traditional marketing: It is not possible to order the product directly because it is done through customer service and others

Electronic marketing: The product or service can be requested directly by sending a request through the company’s website

Customer continuity

Traditional marketing: failure to maintain customers

E-marketing: making customers permanent

Customers' opinion and opinions

Traditional marketing: It is relatively difficult to follow customer reactions

E-marketing: Ease of following customers’ reactions through the website, and also knowing their opinions about products through other websites, especially social sites such as Facebook.

Marketing campaign time

Traditional marketing: Commitment to the campaign dates at a specific time. First, there must be a company headquarters to receive customers, and then the campaign begins

E-marketing: ease of work at any time, even if there is no company headquarters, because buying and selling can also be done via the Internet.


Traditional marketing: It is not possible to follow up on orders directly

E-marketing: Ease of following up orders directly and receiving orders quickly

Number of clients

Traditional marketing: The number of customers is relatively small because marketing is only local and on a small scale

E-marketing: The number of customers is large because e-marketing opens new markets for your products globally and not just at the country level.

Show products for preview

Traditional marketing: It is difficult to preview all the company’s products because they need a large place to display them

E-marketing: Ease of viewing all the company’s products and services by displaying them on the website


Traditional marketing: showing results over a long time and slowly gaining new customers

E-marketing: showing results in a short time and gaining new customers in a quick time

This comparison between electronic marketing and traditional marketing shows the importance of electronic marketing for companies, websites, and product owners. With the advancement of technology, we see that electronic marketing plays an important role in the economy of companies. Trade today has become dependent on new technological means. The world of the Internet opens a window for you to move from local trade to global trade, so make Your products invade all countries of the world....... and communicate with technology for website owners. Be confident that website design occupies the first place in terms of importance to the electronic marketing process.

The benefits that achieve successful electronic marketing

In the age of technology and based on the presence of the Internet, it is necessary for all companies, in order to be able to compete and be able to penetrate large markets, to rely primarily on an electronic marketing strategy in marketing their business. It is also worth noting that the service prices of any electronic marketing company are accessible to everyone and allow them to do A personal marketing approach specific to the company and the flexible and cost-effective nature of e-marketing makes it especially suitable for small companies. This is what has made a large number of small companies appear strongly in the market, compete with large international companies, and acquire a large percentage of the customers and profits of the global market.

These are the most important tips for choosing an e-marketing company that suits your field of work

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